Fighting and Friending our Way Forward - Dr. Keith Witt on the psychological mechanisms that animate evolution

The Daily Evolver show

Summary: All living processes exist in a rhythm of opposing forces which create conflict, resolving into either cooperation or domination. This dynamic of tension is the subtext of most human activity.<br> The good news is that in the long run friending wins. In this episode of The Shrink and the Pundit, integral psychotherapist Dr Keith Witt explains how sociability is latent in most interactions, even those that are marked by hostility. And how human beings at every scale, from individual children to collective nation-states, invite constraints to provide a delineated space for new growth. Dr. Keith’s insights help us normalize – and realize the potential – in the inevitable conflicts of life.<br> NOTE: We apologize for the buzz you might hear at times from Dr. Keith Witt’s mic.<br>