Attacks Against Pro-Lifers / Abortion Pill Battle

Crosstalk America from VCY America show

Summary: It's absolutely appalling to see the lengths many states and politicians are taking to give tacit approval for the murder of a pre-born child in the womb. Since the Dobbs decision was leaked, the violence, hate, destruction, firebombs, threats, and extreme vandalism have been unleashed on pro-life agencies and churches. Meanwhile, rather than going after those who link themselves to Jane's Revenge, the Justice Department is prosecuting pro-lifers. Indeed the violence continues. Just a weekend ago, another pro-life center was hit and additional states have passed legislation allowing the killing of babies up until the point of birth. One state has proposed legislation to make abortion a religious right. Pharmacies are engaging in the culture war pertaining to the abortion pill, and last week, a guest on a national TV program appeared to call for the murder of pro-life legislators. --Returning to Crosstalk with this pro-life update was Pastor Jim Harden. Pastor Harden is president and CEO of CompassCare Pregnancy Services in New York. Jim pioneered the first measurable and repeatable medical model in the pregnancy center movement, helping hundreds of centers nationwide become more effective at reaching more women and saving more babies from abortion. --Last weekend, a pro-life pregnancy center in Minneapolis was hit with smashed windows and graffiti messages from the terrorist group, Jane's Revenge. According to Pastor Harden, on Saturday morning, Antifa members showed up in their black masks to protest outside the building.--Crosstalk listeners brought their views in response to this issue as well.