702 - Stormborn

Game of Thrones The Podcast show

Summary: Jim and A.Ron “Stormborn” was a great episode of Game of Thrones, with tons of highlight scenes.  It also has a bit of a Euron and Sandsnake problem, but we don’t think it’s fatal, assuming Dan and David can tear off the affected portions of the show and apply medicinal ointment to stem the spread of ludicrous jetpackery and shipbuildery that threaten our collective suspension of disbelief.  We also discuss Sansa and Jon’s uneasy sharing of power, Littlefinger’s increasing desperation, what price Tyrion will pay for his plan failing, and Arya’s emotional reunion on the show.  All this, tons of feedback, and WAIT THERE’S MORE!  A whole <a href="https://baldmove.com/tag/spoilore/">SpoiLore edition </a>of the show coming out Friday!<br> We mentioned how you can get TellTale’s Game of Thrones House Forrester Saga for free as Playstation Plus members.  You can also see us <a href="https://baldmove.com/tag/game-of-thrones+telltale/">play through that entire season</a> if your a <a href="http://club.baldmove.com">Club Member</a>.  You can<a href="https://baldmove.com/gaming/game-of-thrones-a-telltale-games-series-episode-1/"> try the first episode</a> for free!<br> <a title="Game of Thrones Podcast on iTunes" href="http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/game-of-thrones-the-podcast/id508647267?mt=2&amp;uo=4&amp;at=10l592">Leave Us A Review</a><br> Join the discussion:  <a title="Email Game of Thrones Podcast" href="mailto:gameofthrones@baldmove.com">Email</a>  |  <a title="Bald Move Forums" href="http://forums.baldmove.com">Forums</a>  |  <a title="Bald Move on Facebook" href="http://www.facebook.com/baldmove">Facebook</a>  |  <a title="Bald Move on Twitter" href="http://www.twitter.com/baldmove">Twitter</a><br> Theme song: <a title="Game of Thrones (80's TV Theme) by Highway Superstar" href="https://soundcloud.com/highwaysuperstar/highway-superstar-game-of-thrones-1985-tv-theme">Game of Thrones (80’s TV Theme)</a> by <a title="Highway Superstar on Soundcloud" href="https://soundcloud.com/highwaysuperstar">Highway Superstar</a><br>