True “Wokeism” Is a Core American Value – Stand Up for It!

Jim Hightower's Lowdown show

Summary: Listen now (2 min) | As Scottish literary giant Robert Burns wrote, “The best-laid schemes of mice and men/Go oft awry.” His 1785 poem, titled “To A Mouse,” could be directed today at the right-wing sloganeers who’ve been scheming so furiously to turn their hokey “woke” snobbery into a winning political stratagem. “Your local librarian is woke!” they screech. “So is Disney, Inc.! Some of your churches, too, plus all Democrats, and – OMG – even Bud Light!!!” Creeping Wokeism is the new Red Scare, Welfare Queen, and Willy Horton political bugaboos rolled into one, forming the main “issue” of Republicans now running for President, Congress, and dogcatcher.