1217. Is Your Dog A Genius? Now Your Cat Can Post Pics On Instagram.

Animal Radio® show

Summary: Nat Geo’s Dr. Brian Hare is hosts a three-part series devoted to finding the genius in your dog with interactive games you can play. Tapping into your dog’s ‘smarts’ is easy as knowing the activities in which they exceed. Also, Scott Harris co-invented a cat feather-toy that can be remotely controlled from a smart-phone. They’ve installed 21 of these toys at shelters nationwide. With a click of a button, you too can play with the animals up for adoption - from the comfort of your own armchair. Also, a federal judge in Florida has ruled that a sweet pit bull name Stevie will be allowed to go to school with 7-year-old Anthony Alboniga, who has cerebral palsy. For the past two years though, officials at Anthony’s school in Broward County refused to let Stevie come to school with Anthony, unless the company paid for a so-called handler to go with them, which the family could not afford. Also, two chimpanzees will have their day in court under a law that up till now has only applied to people. New York Supreme Court Justice Barbara Jaffee has granted Hercules and Leo a writ of habeas corpus. They live in a lab at Stony Brook University of Long Island and have been part of research into how humans evolved to walk on two legs. Also, many pets have their own Facebook pages and Twitter accounts. Of course, there’s a person behind them doing the work. Not for long. Whiskas Australia have created a wearable camera that goes on your kitty’s collar, and it automatically takes pictures while and posts them to Instagram for you and your cat.