Philip Coggan on his book, "Surviving the Daily Grind: Bartleby's Guide to Work"

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Summary: Philip Coggan's "Surviving the Daily Grind: Bartleby's Guide to Work" is an amusing account on corporate world's oddities. For instance, "Why so many managers pollute their utterances with so much inane jargon?" If we had a rupee for each time someone uses the word, "holistic" or recommends others to step outside their "comfort zone", we would all be rich. In this podcast, Philip talks about the merits of using normal English while citing examples of how it can help the bottom line. How has email changed our communication? What are some wacky ways of hiring people? What is the point of all those lenghtly meetings? Why lack of "empathy" from managers who rule with an iron hand can have dire consequences? And finally, what makes a good manager?