Good morning

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Summary: Today Brian and Jordan are talking about deadlines, Black Friday, and a little bit of introspection. They go over their love/hate relationship with mornings. They also take a deep dive into hopes, dreams, dedication, and hiring true believers. [tweetthis]“I still really believe in dedicating time to writing tests and for us that really means integration tests and feature tests.” - Brian [/tweetthis] Here are today’s conversation points: The Carthook deadlineHow the new ProcessKit developer stepped upTesting features, web integration expectationsDifferent ways of coping with stressThe importance of mornings:Brian’s morning routineJordan’s morning routineCan you change whether or not you can be a morning person?Hopes, dreams, and dedication“What is the worst case scenario here?”When it is okay to forgo delegating and doing things yourself?Freelancing versus Full-Time EmployeeMarketing projectsHiring a true believer [tweetthis]“When you make a decision, go harder at it.” - Jordan [/tweetthis] SunriseKPI Productize Audience Ops ProcessKit   Carthook  As always, thanks for tuning in. Head here to leave a review on iTunes.