1212. Actress Joyce DeWitt Talks Dogs - Vapes Top The List Of ER Veterinary Visits

Animal Radio® show

Summary: She played Janet, the brunette on Three’s Company. Joyce DeWitt is our special guest this week and she’s “talking dogs.” She starred in a Hallmark made-for-TV movie about dogs. Also, Karen Hanover was a recent guest on Animal Radio® and discussed a new device she and her mother created called Escape Alert, a GPS microchip that could track your dog if he/she ever got lost. Hanover signed a plea deal in federal court stating that she bilked 48 people out of nearly a million-and-a-half dollars. Also, California has become the first state in the nation to enact a set of protections for people who buy pet insurance. Assembly bill 2056 requires insurers to explain their policies more clearly and give people a 30-day trial period, during which a person can get a full refund. The pet insurance industry is expected to grow to at least $750 million by next year, while Americans spend more than $15 billion annually on veterinary care. Also, with the popularity of electronic cigarettes, veterinarians are seeing more and more nicotine poisoning events. The pen-like smoke vaporizer usually is flavored, which makes it even harder to keep away from dogs. Dr. Ahna Brutlag from the Pet Poison Helpline is here to explain.