The Miracle You Need Most | We Are the Church: Part 2

Life.Church with Craig Groeschel (Audio) show

Summary: <p>Jesus didn’t come for the righteous, He came for sinners—for people in need. He performed miracles and transformed lives. How can we share the hope of Jesus with everyone we meet? Let’s find out in this message. </p><p>ABOUT THIS MESSAGE</p><p>We believe the church isn’t a building—it’s people. And when each of those people knows who they are and what they believe, they can achieve incredible things together. In our new series, <i>We Are the Church</i>, let’s learn more about who we are and how we can work together to change the world.</p><p>NEXT STEPS</p><p>Have you made a decision to follow Jesus? You may be wondering what’s next on your journey. We want to help! Let us guide you to your next steps in your walk with Christ: <a href=""></a></p><p>ABOUT LIFE.CHURCH</p><p>Wherever you are in life, you have a purpose. Life.Church wants to help you find your next step. Our hope is that your journey will include joining us at a Life.Church location throughout the United States or globally online at <a href=""></a>. Find locations, videos, and more info about us at <a href=""></a> or download the Life.Church app at <a href=""></a>. </p><p>FIND US ON SOCIAL MEDIA</p><p>Facebook:<a href=";redir_token=QUFFLUhqbFN1QXd4UUtUYXJqNXNqUExIVjNzbVlrQ3BnQXxBQ3Jtc0tsby1hRFpkb3ZqTzNEZ25DYmtHZGxld0JYTTRWX3dsSHNXLUdqU1dxaU5qN0RlNXFiU2U4dTVyUGNDZWtzM1MtOVhZWklvN01DS09QRkZXMkRvUUhKa0lrZV80MTkxZC1kT0F4Y1FpcWIxbFR3WlVMRQ&amp;"></a></p><p>Instagram:<a href=";redir_token=QUFFLUhqbmpPR3BDU3NYZDEyWEJvTm9fRzhuUWZkSnc4UXxBQ3Jtc0tsdjhxV0pnSG40VTljRl9mM3NvMUZPVEMxYmZ2Y0xqUGJDUng1dGhydURhX0hQVWpEdkpKZ0RJOWozUG1nQ1lUaU1yRGw3Qi1UZkRzSGVhdmROeHVHWFNwYUNBdmFienI1aVV4a2d5SEpVS1YzNWs5aw&amp;"></a></p><p>TikTok: <a href=""></a></p><p>CONNECT WITH PASTOR CRAIG</p><p>YouTube:<a href=""></a></p><p>Facebook:<a href=";redir_token=QUFFLUhqbG5fQ1BaRWRRU2w3Y3VkU0JqSU9CZDl5bjhYd3xBQ3Jtc0ttTFJZVjBLWFp3d1c0UTJJN0dRcWpyRWpVTXJSNDZZaGY3WXBUNzA1OUFibUpIM3MwWmJiV1BCVUR0V3JicnF0dk1oak1vZnZpcFV5X2paaEREdjlQVWVIWUoxYnh5Tk1YQWtLVm1GTmwxN1pqZVhYZw&amp;"></a></p><p>Instagram:<a href=";redir_token=QUFFLUhqbk1uS01XT1BWdVlXNHRvYUxETGlUTFpfRDhFd3xBQ3Jtc0trbGlpQVhtYkV5RGRWWnBucXczdW5SV1c2cWc3WkI0b2lfWll2VXJYc2pYOGFmMU5qV3JmMlJQZ0xSa3pHdHRUeER0czhvXzNhbXJ2UmFsV0NUc3hwcDB3bG8tcE9QbEMyS05id1kxZFF6bFN1N1dPTQ&amp;"></a></p><p>TikTok: <a href=""></a></p><p>#lifechurch #craiggroeschel #wearethechurch</p>