Redeemer Christian Church in Amarillo show

Summary: Thanksgiving - Psalm 107 Psalm 107:1-32 // When we look out on nature, we see God’s goodness everywhere. Whether it is the glory of the Palo Duro Canyon, the beauty of snow, the joy of music, the taste of pizza, the wonder of children, the majesty of the universe, we see the good blessings of God everywhere around us. These are all examples of gifts God gives to all freely which reveal his nature to us. But the one place we see the goodness of God most clearly is in the gift of his only son to save sinners. Nowhere do we see the goodness of God more on display than in the person and work of Jesus Christ. In Jesus we see the sum total of God’s goodness as he becomes a human, lives a life of complete obedience to God and then willingly goes to the cross to die and pay the penalty in the place of the disobedient. Nowhere to we see the steadfast love of the Lord more in display than when we were still sinners Christ died for us (Romans 5:8). The gospel of Jesus is the greatest expression of God’s goodness and his loyal love towards us. The world is full of God’s goodness, but Jesus is the fullest expression of God’s goodness! Our mission is to declare the gospel with our words and display the gospel with our lives to our neighbors and to the nations. Visit and join in our mission through your generous financial assistance - every gift and donation we receive goes to this goal!