A God Who Saves

Redeemer Christian Church in Amarillo show

Summary: Jonah Jonah 1:17 - 2:9 // Jonah did not just disobey God. He wanted to flee from God. So, in order to do this, he leaves the land of Israel, he leaves his people, and he even abandons his personal call and identity as a prophet of God, as he sails to the edge of the earth. Now, because of his sin, he cast into the sea where he sinks into complete and utter isolation. Sin often deceives us into thinking that it will give us pleasure and peace. But in reality, it drives us away and exiles us from the truest source of pleasure and peace. But just as Jonah found mercy and deliverance from the Lord deep in the belly of a fish, the Lord has mercy and grace on all those who call upon his name in the midst of their sin. The Lord takes our sin seriously enough to expose our sin and its consequences in our lives, but he also takes our sin seriously enough to send his Son, Jesus Christ, to redeem us from the curse of sin and give us a hope and future where sin will never exist again! Our mission is to declare the gospel with our words and display the gospel with our lives to our neighbors and to the nations. Visit redeemerchristianchurch.com/give and join in our mission through your generous financial assistance - every gift and donation we receive goes to this goal!