Suicide & The Afterlife – For Suicide Loss Survivors

Afterlife TV with Bob Olson show

Summary: Bob Olson: "In 2012, I created this video about "what happens to people who take their own life in the afterlife." While I had not yet written my book, Answers About The Afterlife, and Afterlife TV was only a few months old, my conclusions about this important subject have sustained since 2012 (although I will admit that my book does an even better job explaining this subject than this video). This episode covers a wide range of subjects, including: soul pre-birth planning, the soul's perspective on our choices &amp; actions, spirit vs soul, life reviews, soul support from masters and elders, and a very important discussion about the 'potentials' our souls choose for us in life.<br> "Over 250,000 people have seen this episode, most of whom have lost a loved one to suicide. And thousands of these people have sent me thank you emails and comments because of the comfort it has given them. This is how understanding the afterlife can benefit us. I highly recommend that you watch this episode even if you have not lost a loved one to suicide, because what you will learn from understanding this subject will help you understand life after death on a very deep level.<br> “What I did not mention in this video—that I have since discussed in my book and when interviewed by talk show hosts about my story—is that I suffered with chronic depression in the late 1980s and early 1990s that led me to contemplate suicide for years. While I am grateful that I did not choose to take my own life, I admit that it could have gone either way at times. This is why I have researched this subject so intensely and why I hold a special place in my heart for the families who have lost a loved one to suicide. And this is why I created this video—to help suicide loss survivors understand that their loved ones went to the afterlife like everyone else, and to help answer the questions and ease the fears that are typical in their situation. I hope you will share this Afterlife TV episode with anyone who you know who has lost a friend or family member to suicide. And I hope you gain from watching it yourself. God bless.” ~ Bob Olson, Afterlife TV<br> <br> Bob Olson talks about suicide and the afterlife. <br> <br> Bob Olson’s book: “Answers About The Afterlife: A Private Investigator’s 15-Year Research Unlocks The Mysteries Of Life After Death.”<br> Or visit to read the first chapter of Bob's book.<br> <br> Bob Olson’s websites are linked below. You can also listen to the audio-only podcast of this and every Afterlife TV episode at the bottom of this and every post (or as an iTunes podcast).