Does Smirnoff Ice Contain Gluten? Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995 - Articles show

Summary: 02/14/2023 - Even after numerous articles on gluten-free alcohol and spirits, we still get a lot of questions about gluten-free alcohol products. Lately we've seen a number of questions about Smirnoff Ice. Specifically, is Smirnoff Ice gluten-free and safe for people with celiac disease? The short answer is mostly no. Here's the rundown. Smirnoff Ice is a Popular Brand of Light Alcoholic Beverages Made by Smirnoff In the United States, Smirnoff Ice and virtually all of the Smirnoff Ice type drinks and wine coolers contain barley malt. As it is a malt beverage, Smirnoff Ice is NOT gluten-free. In other countries, Smirnoff Ice is vodka-based and does not contain malt, and if so it is gluten-free. So, the answer is that it depends on what country you're in. In the United States, Smirnoff Ice is NOT gluten-free, or safe for people with celiac disease. As always, the best practice is to read labels, avoid gluten ingredients, and trust your gut. Smirnoff does make a gluten-removed Smirnoff Spiked Sparkling Seltzer in: Cranberry Lime Berry Lemonade Raspberry Rosé White Peach Rosé Pink Apple Rosé Strawberry Rosé Piña Colada