Outsiders In, Week 8

Oak Pointe Church • Novi show

Summary: <p>The Call of Matthew</p> <p>Scripture: Matthew 9:9-13</p> <p>Speaker: Rick Barry, The Rock Middle School Ministry Pastor</p> <p>If you’ve ever picked sides in a game of dodgeball, you know how this typically goes. The first chosen are the best athletes available or the best friends of the team captains. Those selected in the middle are merely mediocre. By the end, captains might not even want the remaining few. But Jesus does just the opposite when choosing teams.</p> <p>As we press onward in our Outsiders In series, we see the Lord extend a call to the last person anyone would pick to be a disciple. If you at all feel unworthy to be a follower of Jesus, this message is for you!</p>