Latino Voters Are The Real Swing State

The Takeaway show

Summary: <p><span>This week, Futuro Media released its </span><a href=""><span>first ever-poll</span></a><span> of Latino voters and the results offer critical insights into the </span><a href=""><span>fastest-growing racial and ethnic group</span></a><span> in the U.S. electorate – </span><span>making up more than 34 million eligible voters.</span></p> <p>The polling looked closely at the battleground states of Florida, Pennsylvania, and Georgia. In the sunshine state, where Latinos account for more than 1 in 5 eligible voters <span>–</span> it’s incumbent Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis who earned higher ratings that his opponent Charlie Crist.</p> <p>In Georgia – Latino’s who are about six percent of the state’s eligible voters show a preference for incumbent Republican Governor Brian Kemp over Democratic challenger Stacey Abrams.</p> <p>But up in Pennsylvania, it's the Democratic candidates in both the Governor and Senate races with a slight edge. </p> <p>So what does all of this tell us about Latino voters? To find out we spoke with<span> </span><a href="">Julio Ricardo Varela</a>, President of<span> </span><a href="">Futuro Media</a><span> </span>and co-host of the podcast “<a href="">In the Thick</a>,” and with me is<span> </span><a href="">Héctor Sánchez Barba</a>, the CEO of<span> </span><a href="">Mi Familia Vota</a>, a non-profit organization that encourages Latino election participation. Héctor , welcome to The Takeaway.</p>