Affirmative Action On Trial At The Supreme Court

The Takeaway show

Summary: <p><span>The <a href="">Supreme Court</a> heard oral arguments this Monday in two cases that challenge<a href=""> the consideration of race in undergraduate admissions.</a> The Court’s decisions in these cases will undoubtedly shape the future of American higher education for millions of students.</span></p> <p><span>In<span> </span><a href="">previous challenges</a><span> </span>to<span> </span><a href="">affirmative action</a>,<span> the Court has<span> co</span></span><span>ntinued to<span> </span><a href="">uphold the principles of affirmative action</a></span><span><span> </span>and the notion that<span> </span><a href="">diversity in higher education</a></span><span> serves a<span> </span><a href="">compelling governmental interest</a>. </span></span><span>But the plaintiffs in both cases currently before the Court, a conservative activist group called Students for Fair Admissions, argue that<span> </span><a href="">affirmative action<span> </span><em>itself</em><span> </span>is discriminatory</a>. </span></p> <p><a href="">Dr. Melissa Murray</a>, Frederick I. and Grace Stokes <a href=";personid=40825">Professor of Law at NYU,</a> joins us to unpack these arguments and consider their ramifications.</p> <p> </p>