Alan Cumming Shares Why He Can't Live Without Fun

The Takeaway show

Summary: <p><span>Scottish-born actor, <a href="">Alan Cumming</a> has had a long career. He’s been in everything from cult classics like "<a href="">Romy and Michelle’s High School Reunion</a></span><span>." To Mainstream blockbusters </span><span>like "<a href="">X2: X Men United</a></span><em><span>."</span></em><span> Alan is eclectic. <a href="">Time Magazine</a> once called him one of the three most fun people in show business (the others were Cher and Stanley Tucci).</span></p> <p>Alan Cumming’s new book<span> </span><a href=""><em>Baggage: Tales from a Fully Packed Life</em></a> is about how his life, including his work life, has been shaped by his baggage and how he has learned to live it. </p> <p>In this interview, Alan speaks about his career, the<span> </span><a href="">Spice Girls movie</a>, and why his grandmother was so influential in letting his freak flag fly. </p>