Jeremy Grater & Zach Tucker - Hosts of The Fit Mess Podcast

LOA Today - Living Our Abundance with the Law of Attraction - Your Daily Dose Of Happy show

Summary: Jeremy and Zach's goal on The Fit Mess Podcast is to take small steps every week toward a better more fulfilling life. They join us on the show today to talk about some of those steps. Sam joins us at the outset, but his Internet connection (or his battery ... not sure which) fails him, and he has to drop out of the show early. But that didn't stop us from having a wonderful discussion, the kind that rarely gets heard when guys get together. And that makes it a treat! We learn about Zach's anxiety machine in his head. We learn about Jeremy's struggle with self-confidence. And we rehash Walt's issues with focusing too much on problems and not enough on solutions. Their podcast, The Fit Mess, can be found by visiting Follow the LOA Today podcast: