Sally Miller Clinton Mistress Update / Casey Gane : Boston Bombing

The Opperman Report show

Summary: The Beauty Queen: Let No Deed Go Unpublished My book’s been a long time in the making. Factual, emotional, shocking, and not for the faint-of-heart, THE BEAUTY QUEEN is all this and more. As soon as my first-grade teacher, Sister Steven Maria, taught me to write, I began expressing myself with words. Through the years, I consistently documented my life through writing. You will quickly learn I don’t believe in coincidences. My story is true; I’ve lived it all and NO—it isn’t a bragging book. The Beauty Queen is a complicated adventure through the shame of incest, sexual abuse, dominance, and control; of once-in-a-lifetime experiences and a living death. But, never fear. There are many funny stories, personal photos and documents, a few naughty revelations, and more than enough "shock" to keep your attention. Consider my book a how-to book on surviving a life targeted by Hate, Jealousy, Bullying, Evil, and Intimidation. I consider my disclosures a tribute to me-- the Beauty Queen—who, even today, refuses to be a victim. My story is also about the “little girl in me.” She’s my life-long friend—the one who never grew up, gave up, or, gave in. Some people will purchase my book based on THE CLINTON CHAPTERS. I had no plans to include the Clintons in my book until last year when I learned, once again, I was being followed, spied on, and threatened by Hillary’s Henchmen. Flaunting her importance this election year, Hillary is using the same old "playbook" from the nineties to threaten me. Tired of Hillary's bullying, I expanded my book to include the Clintons. For the first time-ever, I expose the intimate details of my three month encounter with Bill Clinton. And, I reveal the exclusive revelations about Hillary---as told to me by Bill. I’ve endured Hillary’s ugly harassment since 1992. Trust me; Hillary likes to play "dirty" so, I'm digging in the dirt to share each life-threatening moment she directed my way during the nineties. Best of all, I reveal the dirty details of my “run-in” with both Clintons and Madeline Albright---—in China. I invite you to read my story. You’ll learn a multitude of truths about others but most of all about me, Sally Miller, the woman the media-- long ago--labeled: The Beauty Queen.