Veiled Destinies Part 2 with Walter Bosley - Jan 8, 2022

Where Did the Road Go? show

Summary: Seriah welcomes author, investigator, and alternative historian Walter Bosley. Topics include Juan Severino de San Pablo and the Inquisition, the 18th century automaton "the bleeding man", the 16th century Portuguese explorerJuan Rodríguez Cabrillo, Hernán Cortés, Tenochtitlán/Mexico City, the age of European "exploration" and the secrets nations kept therein, Hidalgos de Sangre AKA knights-by-blood, the Order of Christ and the Knights Templar, the quest for the North West Passage and its strategic importance, Sir Francis Drake, San Francisco Bay, telluric current and gold, California as an island, Spanish galleons found in the desert, ancient Viking exploration, the Puritans and their influence on American culture, Prince Madoc, so-called "White Indians", Acadians, pre-Columbian European contact in the Americas, a possible pre-1492 expedition by Columbus, Henry Sinclair, Christopher Columbus and Templar symbology, hollow earth theories, Edgar Allan Poe, Admiral Richard E. Byrd, Lieutenant Commander Richard E. Byrd III (AKA Richard Byrd Jr.), Operation Highjump, Roswell, Antarctica theories and lore, high-tech break away group, NYMZA, the origin of the U.S. Air Force and the national-security state, disappearing records, telluric current and missing persons, fiction as a tool for advancing ideas, and much more! This is a fascinating discussion that covers a lot of territory! - Recap by Vincent Treewell Outro Music by Psyche Corporation with Strange Machine. Download