Truth and Conviction Ep. 635 The Cultural Hall

The Cultural Hall Podcast show

Summary: Matt Whitaker<br> Producer/Director/Screenwriter<br> <br> For over 25 years, Matt Whitaker has been writing and directing for film and television. A specialist in the WWII genre, his numerous produced screenplays include the critically acclaimed war films Saints and Soldiers and Instrument of War.<br> He has creative-produced or directed over 100 commercials and short films shot in more than 30 countries around the world. His directing credits also include multiple award-winning documentaries for PBS including Ancestors and Small Fortunes: Microcredit and the Future of Poverty featuring Nobel Peace Prize Winner Muhammad Yunus and Academy Award winning actress, Linda Hunt.<br> In 2002, Matt and a film crew traveled to Germany with the last surviving member of a teenage resistance group. This powerful experience led to the PBS documentary Truth &amp; Conviction: The Helmuth Hübener Story, which has prepared the way for the dramatic series Truth &amp; Conviction with Angel Studios.<br> <br> <br> <a href="">Help fund the Project</a><br> <br>