Mon 13Jun22 The MOST DANGEROUS Part of Gun Bill No One's Talking About

The David Knight Show show

Summary: * Even conservative media silent on the MOST DANGEROUS PART of the new compromise gun bill where 10 GOP Senators betray base, defy Constitution<br>* Jan6 was an "inside job" but former employee gets it wrong on Alex Jones in CNN hit piece. * Meanwhile, political prisoners in harsh conditions and in solitary for over 530 days now WITHOUT TRIAL<br>* Democrats plan "insurrection" against SCOTUS over abortion<br>* "Gun idolatry", "abortion abolitionists" — professing Christians turn friendly fire rhetoric against other Christians instead of the problem (in the name of being winsome, of course)<br>* Trudeau says guns are OK for hunting &amp; sports, FORBIDDEN for SELF-DEFENSE (against tyrants?)<br>* Bipartisan "gun control" ignores death counts from vaccines &amp; abortion<br>* Mask mandates returning, Giuliani's son, gubernatorial candidate, excluded from GOP debate for non-compliance with jab mandate<br>* Twitter censors CDC study published by AMA (American Medical Assoc) and Trump censors those who disagree with him on "Truth Social"<br><br>TOPICS by SEGMENT<br>Segment 1<br>* WATCH: Teamwork! Jimmy Kimmel plays the groveling sycophant to Biden's senile incompetence <br>* Listener asks my take on David French, professing "conservative evangelical" who writes for Atlantic. French has had A LOT to say about vaccines (where French is allied with Francis Collins and Curtis Chang), abortion (attacking others as "abortion abolitionists") and guns ("gun idolatry")<br>* Was abortion legal in Colonial America as lawyer argued in front of the Supreme Court? Here's what Harvard says…<br>* Lucretia Hughes, a black mother who lost her son to gun violence, is adamant about self-defense against "evil"<br>* 250 CEO's join with Bloomberg's gun control organization. They, and celebrities like Matt McConaughey, have their own private security<br><br>Segment 2 begins approximately 01:02:41<br>* What's in the agreement over new gun control that 10 GOP Senators signed?<br>* The MOST DANGEROUS measure is (surprise!) the one NOT being talked about (even by conservative media)<br>* DeSantis on the "Arkham Asylum" shut down by Jeb!<br>* Gun control advocates panicked into stampede thinking a shooter was nearby<br>* Matt McConaughey hopes you haven't heard of Hegelian tactics or you'll see thru his schtick <br>* After taser proposes taser drones to patrol schools, 75% of ethics board resigns<br><br>Segment 3 begins approximately 01:31:47<br>* Not gun shots but Trump Shots are killing far, far more people. <br>* GCI kill shots pivot to 5 months to 4 yrs age bracket as they try to explain away the increase deaths in the population<br>* Prescription drugs up 90-fold in just 13 yrs<br><br>Segment 4 begins approximately 01:56:48<br>* Listener disagrees with me on Electoral College. Here's how I see it's vital purpose<br>* Trump censors those who disagree with him on "Truth Social". Did Trump EVER support free speech?<br>* Jan 6 was "AN INSIDE JOB". Film shows what government will NOT show about Jan6 as political prisoners jailed in solitary confinement and tortured for over 530 days WITHOUT TRIAL<br>* Former Infowars employee writes Op-Ed piece for CNN attacking Alex Jones. Here's my take…<br><br>Segment 5 begins approximately 02:24:44<br>* Masks have a grip on hospital profits and public fear in Canada and California<br>* Jab mandates keeps GOP gubernatorial candidate, Rudy's son, OUT of DEBATE. The Giuliani's are learning REAL lessons about election corruption the hard way<br>* Reason magazine falls all over itself (and libertarian principles) by worshipping Colorado Gov Polis as "the most libertarian" of governors<br>* Resistance building in Germany as both car companies AND DRIVERS realize the plan is to BAN ALL PRIVATE CARS, not just internal combustion engines<br><br><br>Find out more about the show and where you can watch it at<br>If you...