145: The Wisdom Of Finance by Mihir Desai

Market Today show

Summary: <p>In 1688, essayist Josef de la Vega described finance as both “the fairest and most deceitful business . . . the noblest and the most infamous in the world, the finest and most vulgar on earth.”<br> <br> The characterization of finance as deceitful, infamous, and vulgar still rings true today – particularly in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis. But, what happened to the fairest, noblest, and finest profession that de la Vega saw? <br> <br> De la Vega hit on an essential truth that has been forgotten: finance can be just as principled, life-affirming, and <em>worthy</em> as it can be fraught with questionable practices.  Today, finance is shrouded in mystery for outsiders, while many insiders are uneasy with the disrepute of their profession.  How can finance become more accessible and also recover its nobility?</p>