Faith Like A Child – EP101 (Matt. 18:4)

The One Thing - United Faith Church Podcast show

Summary: Matthew 18:4<br> Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.Hello, and welcome to the One Thing Podcast. Matthew chapter 18, verse 4, says, “Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven.” Some other versions of this scripture say that if you “humble yourself as a little child,” and there’s just really the sense of having a heart of a humble child that is willing to admit their weakness, willing to say, “Mommy, Daddy, I can’t do it.”<br> "This is the attitude, the heart that Jesus is calling us to have: to be just like a little child." This is the heart and attitude that Jesus says is so precious among Heaven. It’s not as though we don’t understand as we begin to grow older or gain wisdom in the Lord, but it’s simply the heart that says, “Father, honestly, when I really look at my life, when I really look at what I am capable of apart from your power, Lord, I see that I need you. This circumstance, this situation, it is a heavy one, and Father I don’t know if I’m going to make it through. But Lord, help me. I need you.”<br> Or, maybe it’s simply times in our lives where we’re giving our time to the Lord, we’re praying, and we’re seeking Him. And we’re simply saying, “Lord, I desire to know you more. I know that I can go much deeper. I know that there is so much more for you to unfold in my life. Father, help me! Please, let me come close to you.” This is the attitude, the heart that Jesus is calling us to have: to be just like a little child.<br> "Simply, ‘Lord, I don’t know how to do it, but I know that you can.’" Some of you may have little children; some of you don’t, but all of us at some point in our lives have been around a child, maybe at the park, maybe at a gathering. And we’ve been able to see a child going to their parent and maybe saying, “Can you help me? Can you help me to open this? Can you help me to do this or do that?” And very rarely will you ever see somebody turn a child away when they approach you in such a manner.<br> And so, today I encourage you to remember the simple words of Jesus, that if we would just humble ourself as a child, God could go so deep in our lives. He can go so far. Whatever your ailment today, whatever the situation, the circumstance, the problem– whatever it may be, I encourage you to stop and to come to the Lord Jesus. Simply, “Lord, I don’t know how to do it, but I know that you can.” Simply, “God, I’ve tried and I’ve failed, but I know that I will look to you once again knowing that you will lead me through.”<br> Whatever it may be, we have hope in our savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. But, may we each take the lowly position of a child and be those who can become the greatest in the Kingdom simply because of the humble, lowly heart that comes by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Be blessed this day as you continue to seek our wonderful God and savior.