Are Popsicles Gluten-Free? Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995 - Articles show

Summary: 05/28/2022 - Wondering if popsicles are gluten-free and safe for people with celiac disease? Some brands are, some aren't. Here's the lowdown. We get a lot of questions from celiac community members wondering if certain brands and products are gluten-free. One question we see a lot is about popsicle products. Specifically, are popsicles gluten-free and safe for people with celiac disease? First, it's important to understand that Popsicle brand popsicles are a trademarked brand of the frozen treat. While Popsicle brand popsicles are not labeled gluten-free, many Popsicle brand treats are made without gluten ingredients, and contain no allergens. Others are not gluten-free, so read labels and choose carefully. Popsicle brand treats without listed wheat or gluten as allergens are generally regarded as gluten-free and safe for people with celiac disease. For people who want to choose popsicle brands labeled gluten-free, a number of brands of popsicles and frozen treats, are labeled gluten-free. Always be sure to check the labels and look for "gluten-free" before consuming any popscicle. Here a list of gluten-free and allergen-free popsicle brands.