Fri 29Apr22 How Many Times Must the Left Tell You THEY OWN YOUR KIDS?

The David Knight Show show

Summary: * Schools establish a new god, LGBT, while trying to purge YWYH<br>* EU Official brags Food &amp; Fuel are too cheap and they will create austerity. Here's what they're doing to engineer a food crisis…<br>* How many times does the left have to you THEY OWN YOUR KIDS? Well, here's one more from Biden<br>* Is Musk building a conservative following to run for President? Will he comply with governments around the world DEMANDING censorship?<br>* SURPRISE? Book quotes governors who say Trump used funding, praise &amp; criticism to get what he wanted from governors but never used any of that to stop governors attacking our freedoms with lockdowns &amp; covid rituals <br>* Jousting at Windmills — Quixotic Quest for renewables is a delusion but a few people are going to get rich beyond your wildest fantasies<br>* Hub Variant? China's phony "omicron" pandemic seems most contagious in cities that are hubs of tech, finance, and shipping<br>* "Lend Lease" program from WW2 revived for Ukraine in ADDITION to $33 BILLION wishlist of weapons<br>* Fauci got off script when he told the truth about "pandemic" &amp; walks it back<br>* Disgay+ doubles down on the grooming, Biden's "covid relief" money used for CRT, and who's burning books<br><br>ALL TOPICS BY SEGMENT:<br>Segment 1<br>* How many times do they have to tell you THEY OWN YOUR KIDS? Their plan is that you will own NOTHING — including your children — and you will have no rights, including parental. Here's one more from Biden<br>* There's a new religion in town and the government is ESTABLISHING it through their schools<br>* Biden gave $122 BILLION to schools as "Covid aid" to push CRT<br><br>Segment 2 begins approximately 00:34:57<br>* In your face — Disney+ adds a LGBT teen-focused coming out series<br>* Will ending Disney's Reedy Creek privileges raise taxes?<br><br>Segment 3 begins approximately 00:51:01<br>* Bootygay and Biden will have a big DC dinner party tomorrow, but still insist YOU wear a cloth mask on airplanes that have HEPA filters<br>* Father says his daughter was MURDERED by hospital for Covid Cash and he has the documents to prove it<br>* Godfather: Trump's 4D Mafia Chess Game — New book quotes governors who say Trump used funding, praise &amp; criticism to get what he wanted from governors. He NEVER used any of that to STOP governors attacking our freedoms with lockdowns &amp; covid rituals<br><br>Segment 4 begins approximately 01:26:10<br>* More soldiers come forward to say Biden is using his jab mandate to conduct a "religious purge" going on in the military<br>* EU Official: Food &amp; Fuel Austerity Coming. Here's what they're doing to engineer a food crisis<br>* Massive fires at food processing plants with 2 separate incidents of planes crashing into plants just last week?<br><br>Segment 5 begins approximately 01:56:14<br>* Ford's new business model (ESG, stakeholder capitalism) that ignores customers' desires is costing them BILLIONS in losses<br>* Solar &amp; Windmills — a Quixotic fantasy that will NEVER power the grid<br>* Rubio says China can cut off medicine and MANY OTHER THINGS<br><br>Segment 6 begins approximately 02:20:47<br>* Listener takes issue with my comments on "Watch the Water" and credentialism: Credentials don't make you credible, but inflated credentials (even if implied) destroy your credibility. (First part of question at beginning of Segment 2)<br>* Wealthy bankers are plotting their escape from Shanghai to — Hong Kong? Will any of us escape the arbitrary return of lockdowns if we don't act collectively?<br><br>Segment 7 begins approximately 02:34:51<br>* Is Musk Maneuvering For Presidential Run? He calls himself a "free speech absolutist". Obama said the same thing about himself this week. <br>* Govts everywhere are demanding Musk censor. Will he? There are alternatives<br>* Jonathan Turley — do corporations have the right to take your rights? <br><br>Find out more...