X Minus One – No Contact. ep1, 550424

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: After an announcement of a radio tribute to the recently fallen acting great, Lionel Barrymore, the premiere episode of this popular Science Fiction show kicks off. <br> In the far flung year of 1982 space travel has become commonplace. A series of spaceships have been mysteriously disappearing at a place in outer space. A military vessel is to launch to investigate the barrier region. A young navigator is about to prove himself as he flies with the same captain his father once served under. <br> As the rocket is about to launch, a stowaway is discovered, and the drama of the importance for every detail to be exact is overplayed. The stowaway is a crusty old hand, Charlie, and he begs to go along. He wants to show that these kids today are just to green to handle a big task like this. The harsh captain shows a little softness, and lets the stowaway remain onboard, being a loyal former crew member. Although he is to be put off on the moon base. <br> The blast off goes down without a hitch. The captain and his chief officers talk about what they think is going on at the barrier. Is it something physical? Is it just a field of radio interferance? What makes them think this rocket ship will fare any better than the others? <br> The stowaway who was offloaded at the moon is now the radio contact back home. The captain continues to offer ideas for what the barrier is really about, and tells the story of the tension that is rampat in the crew. The young navigator, Collier, is called out by the captain and is recommended to stand down due to his apparent exhaustion. The captain comments that he’s so exhausted that he’s looking blue in the face. <br> The brave young man has reasons for being diligent at his post. His dad was one of the officers lost on a previous lost rocket. Suddenly the moment arrives, and the barrier is breached. The ship has survived breaking through, and spirits soar. Have the men concquered the barrier? Before the milestone can be enjoyed, a radiation leak is detected. Searching for the leak, the captain commands that Tommy guns be taken along. <br> What? Tommy guns? You have to be kidding me. What does he expect to do with guns to stop a leak? A spy is suspected, but seriously, all guns will do is risk doing even more damage to the structure of the ship. <br> Back to the story. Regardless of the bravado, the source is found, but the captain is soon to discover that his situation has left his control. Things are no longer as they once seemed. Alien space ships approach, and little by little the blustery captain learns the tragic truth. His crew have all been killed by the aliens and he’s alone and helpless. Is there any hope to warn Earth? There’s a ray of hope when a radio message gets through… or does it? <br> PS: I remember 1982. I guessed I must have missed out on the whole rocketship to space thing. Not to mention the Barrier Region fiasco. I hope they figured it out. (Just taking some good natured fun with Science Fiction concepts.) <br>