Mel Blanc – Miss Ugga Ugga Boo Beauty Contest. 470325

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: It’s time for the annual beauty contest,sponsored by the Royal Order of the Benevelent Zebra Lodge, and men across town show reactions to their girlfriends bathing suits. Good reactions, including Mel’s. Back in the Fixit shop, Mr Potchnik is hiding out and waiting for Mel. The piano teacher warns Mel that Betty has been seen going out with his rival, Hartley Benson. Who can Mel turn to to make Betty jealous? Cousin Dotty is ready and willing, and a campaign to vote for her instead of Betty is begun. <br> The Sportsmen sing, Picolino. Hartley is confronted by Mel about Betty. Is Hartley actually the gift to womankind as the egomaniac thinks he is? Ugga ugga boo, ugga boo boo ugga, it’s the Mighty Potentate, and he has the latest outrageous word on his nagging wife. What’s the big request she made in the garden? Gad! What a temptation! <br> It’s off to the lodge hall, and the beauty contest. Through his stammering ways, Zookie spills the beans about Mel’s campaigning for Doty to win. Has Mel misunderstood something? Will he need to through his plans in reverse? Can he impersonate a visiting Zebra from South America? Will Mel be found out? Will the contest be a fair one? <br>