Taran Show | Tyson Apostol

The Taran Show: Interviews with Taran Armstrong from RHAP show

Summary: Taran Show | Tyson Apostol<br> This week on the Taran Show, host Taran Armstrong (<a href="http://twitter.com/armstrongtaran">@ArmstrongTaran</a>) interviews three-time Survivor player and winner of Survivor: Blood vs Water, Tyson Apostol (@tysonapostol)! In addition to being a pickleball fanatic, Tyson enjoys nature, his family and co-hosting <a href="http://robhasawebsite.com/newsaffeed">News AF</a> on the RHAP network.<br> Dive into the Taran Show archives:<br> <a href="https://robhasawebsite.com/shows/reality-tv-rhapups/taran-armstrong-show/">Taran Show</a><br>