What are the Qualities of a Creative Person?

Killer Innovations with Phil McKinney - A Show About Ideas Creativity And Innovation show

Summary: Creative people can think of new ideas, and creative ideas are those ideas that are new, useful, and different. It all starts with the creative person. What is so <a href="https://philmckinney.com/stop-acting-stupid-change-your-mind/">special</a> about them? What are their qualities?<br> <br> Creative people often have a sense of limitless creative <a href="https://killerinnovations.com/experimentation-is-the-engine-of-innovation/">freedom and experimentation</a>. Their creative genius is a natural part of who they are. If you are not naturally creative, you can learn and develop your creativity by applying creative qualities.<br> 12 Qualities of a Creative Person<br> <br> * Curious: Creative people are always asking questions/looking for new ideas. They're not content with the status quo.<br> * Creative Confidence: Creative confidence is the feeling when you know that what you are about to do/say/or create is original. Creative, confident people are not afraid to fail because they know it's part of the process.<br> * Thick Skin: Creative people need to have thick skin, take criticism, reject rejection, stay persistent, and<a href="https://killerinnovations.com/3-characteristics-of-successful-failures/"> be unafraid of failure</a>.<br> * Independent Rebellious Streak:Creatives can't be afraid to blaze their trail and stand up for their ideas. They need to find the right balance between their independent, rebellious streak and supporting the team mission.<br> * Flexibility: Creative people need to be <a href="https://killerinnovations.com/the-7-essential-ingredients-of-agile-innovation/">flexible</a>. If not, they might overlook new ideas, or you might not be able to adapt to changes a new idea would impose.<br> * Playful: Playing with ideas can help break through mental blocks by <a href="https://killerinnovations.com/box-think/">going outside the box</a> to create new solutions or inventive ways of looking at old ones.<br> * Thorough: Creative people are more comprehensive than most because they never stop at the first idea. They always look around at what else they can do.<br> * Ambitious: Creatives are ambitiously striving to push the boundaries of what is possible. They crave feedback from others to improve and have a desire to create something new and unique.<br> * Energetic: Creative people are constantly moving, inspiring others with their creativity and constant energy.<br> * Naïve: Creative people are often naïve about their limitations but can also be more creative than others because of this naivete. It's important to balance creativity and practicality.<br> * Dreamer: Creative people are sometimes referred to as “dreamers” because they <a href="https://killerinnovations.com/eric-yuan-and-the-future-of-zoom/">imagine new possibilities</a>.<br> * Persistence: Creatives are persistent in their efforts over time despite any obstacles they may face. Creative solutions result from patience and tenacity.<br> <br> To know more about the qualities of creatives, listen to this week's show: <a href="http://traffic.libsyn.com/philmckinney/What_are_the_Qualities_of_a_Creative_Person.mp3">What are the Qualities of a Creative Person?</a><br>