421: How Changing Your Perspective Changes Everything

Achieve Your Goals with Hal Elrod: Success | Productivity | Personal Development | Lifestyle | Business show

Summary: <br> What if you could be completely in control of what you think, how you feel, and what you do? I mean, wouldn’t that kind of be the ultimate superpower!?<br> Consider that you do have that power. When you change your perspective, it changes the way you think, the way you feel, and the actions you take, which enables you to change your life. Thus, the key to changing your life begins with changing your perspective.<br> If you spend your time focused on your perceived inadequacies or things that upset you, it affects how you feel, how you treat yourself, and how you show up every day. This is especially true when you are facing stressful times.<br> On the other hand, when you consciously optimize your perspective, you optimize your life, and you give yourself the power to show up optimally for yourself, for the people you love, and for humanity.<br> Today’s episode is all about how to choose the perspectives that will empower you to be at your best, even when faced with hard times, misfortune, and challenges. You’ll learn how to stop negative emotions from controlling how your brain and body feel, the value of focusing on positivity even as you endure difficulty, and how to see the gift and the beauty inherent to every struggle.<br> KEY TAKEAWAYS<br> <br> * Why perspective makes all the difference when we’re facing adversity.<br> * Why negative emotions are valuable—and how to feel them in a useful, productive way.<br> * How to choose a perspective that empowers you no matter what.<br> * What I do when I find myself stressed out or frustrated about something beyond my control.<br> * Why you have a 100% success rate of surviving everything you will ever face.<br> <br> TWEETABLES<br> THIS EPISODE IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY:<br> Organifi is our long-time sponsor of the podcast and makes the highest quality nutritional products, which are made from whole food ingredients (not synthetic vitamins) that I’ve incorporated into my life for over half a decade.<br> If you’d like a healthy, natural, convenient way to boost your energy, enhance your immune system, and keep you healthy, I invite you to visit <a href="https://www.organifi.com/hal/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Organifi.com/Hal</a>, and use the code HAL at checkout to get 20% off of your entire order. I hope you find something there that you love! :^)<br> The Miracle Morning App has officially been released for both <a href="https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fapps.apple.com%2Fus%2Fapp%2Fmiracle-morning%2Fid1581511740%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR3DYiGDqTjAXBCxIzt7ASwO_CCi_XyUCN2sQagUnyg_O4YVEjhILL6k7FU&amp;h=AT3A0fF8TxvxFWtBemyVrZOS4sO__BDb4csYiSKMlcjNnbBP_l8ChZ5Vf4H7C5v41BTLnGaEkKq2FEi88lqv3am7Q8S0l6fyscW8g_UrFscVXRGIPR9qz8NaqLL6CnTunw&amp;__tn__=R%5D-R&amp;c%5B0%5D=AT0drhD6t27N_NjJeUthhfIbMmJZJup2FNCF_MlPZA6UJhdk3Yq1rT-ZiqoYaHCOEFY-I1-j2-ppqu9fVRz0MbFQEEGfVLisWGtJqgNUpCOfq81DFFKDDQhsIfIuCkFQWR1Et_KCtupXTwqU9LxpeayR-PVrvuyc1Rw" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Apple</a> and <a href="https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fplay.google.com%2Fstore%2Fapps%2Fdetails%3Fid%3Dorg.miracle.morning%26fbclid%3DIwAR2gHVhXad7JX8KC653soEgMKVCzUlRAeUPb5YuVUF4MDvLtrexGkpt_BBs&amp;h=AT37cD5iZeyWbbXwDk9sJyqdMJasQHH2YoheHFF7DMc-dPvfH937gkpZfenGXaG6YogQsdXnmzzmbuf7-Hxw8UPT21NxZcxeRyCAtz3KH-Fsk2Mi9PsWxz73psxAc_rU9Q&amp;__tn__=R%5D-R&amp;c%5B0%5D=AT0drhD6t27N_NjJeUthhfIbMmJZJup2FNCF_MlPZA6UJhdk3Yq1rT-ZiqoYaHCOEFY-I1-j2-ppqu9fVRz0MbFQEEGfVLisWGtJqgNUpCOfq81DFFKDDQhsIfIuCkFQWR1Et_KCtupXTwqU9LxpeayR-PVrvuyc1Rw" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Android</a>! The app includes tracking for your S.A.V.E.R.S., daily videos from me and members of our community, and a lot more. It’s the perfect resource to help you stay accountable and consistent for the next 30 days. Please note, this is simply the first version of the app, so we’ll be upgrading and improving the features over time, with the goal of making it the ultimate app for your Miracle Mornings!<br>