Under the covers! Another book in the Black Harlequin The Romance Revealed book series.

Black Harleuin The Romance Revealed show

Summary: <p>Black Harlequin The Romance Revealed audio podcasts, author Jocelyn Shaw, are promotion audio book trailers for the short story book series available through Amazon Kindle Publications. Podcast promotional book trailers can be heard nationwide on podcast radio channels, Spotify, Amazon Music for Podcasters, Pocket Radio, BuzzSprout, Podpage and more as the series is forecast to be poetry in motion, Romance and stormy weather in between the lines and passion for more,<br> Black Harlequin The Romance Revealed.<br> Selected poetry authored by Jocelyn Shaw is featured throughout the series and is narrated by top talented narrators selected by the author herself. The podcast teasers will feature poetry selections written by the author and romance book writter Jocelyn Shaw. Be sure you're  listening as the romance reveals whose under the covers!</p> <p>Book one in the Black Harlequin The Romance Revealed book series is all about the traditional romance and seduction found in a classic romance book. It's all about the introduction of two characters, Ebony &amp; Emystary, as they indulge in the fantasy and bliss under</p> <p>rays of romance. Meet Ebony, for all that he is, he is the figure and embodiment</p> <p>of a charismatic, charmer, handsome and gifted. Emystary gives us seduction of</p> <p>the romance heat with her own sexy imagery across the pages leaving only your</p> <p>imagination as to the visuals left as footprints as you collect with her not only her</p> <p>thoughts but give him the action, female prowess. Emystary does not need to</p> <p>seduce anyone but a little icing on the cake flirts with Ebony's masculinity. Lotus</p> <p>&amp; Queel are introduced in Book 1, two very important characters who bring with</p> <p>them women just as beholden and bold as Emystary.</p> <p>The eve of solitude on day's mouth was broken with the embrace of the two</p> <p>lovers. the hours that molded a kept, contained the love making of bodies close</p> <p>to the wall's portrait, a love scene. The scene thirsted on lips, skin and tantrums</p> <p>that doused fire with the sweat, heat , of twisted bodies. Emystary's long, flowing</p> <p>caresses pampered Ebony, glazing his immaculate, hard chiseled frame that</p> <p>directed the soon to be stained windows of the darkened room, before the break</p> <p>of light that was creeping into morning eyes and consciousness on a wet dream's</p> <p>escapade. A chocolate diamond appeared in the palm of his hand, that when</p> <p>placed around Emystary's neck, echoed his charming seduction.</p> <p>Impatiently waiting her breath, Ebony admired back, the art in front of him,</p> <p>Emystary now became the ceiling crafted by Michelangelo, the Sistine chapel,</p> <p>stroke in a look of remembrances that Eb could compare to in his travels when</p> <p>he chose to tour his thoughts while they parted, thoughts that ran secretly with</p> <p>the day, admiration of creation, and love he took in his next bouquet that</p> <p>preceded the warmth of their touch. It was in the last hour of their togetherness</p> <p>that Eb made promises that their journeys would always bare in the stains of her</p> <p>eyes, eternal forget-me-nots.</p> <p>The seduction continued as Emystary removed her henna art kit and body paints</p> <p>from the sleeve of a room's bureau of drawers that lay close to her bedside.</p> <p>Emystary dipped her brush in body inks to create the most beautiful design of</p> <p>jade and gold down the shoulder and rib of Eb's dark skin leaving an iridescence</p> <p>glow of the moment and a kiss of the diamond that shimmered in the light</p> <p>breaking through the stain of the windows. If ever a love scenes ending could</p> <p>leave keepsakes, this morning's caption would stagger into the next chapter's</p> <p>lines.</p>