Primary Care Perspectives: Evaluating Neutropenia in Primary Care: CBC Basics, Red Flags and More - Episode 120

Primary Care Perspectives: Podcast for Pediatricians show

Summary: How should a primary care physician evaluate neutropenia, and decide when it’s time to worry? Kandace Gollomp, MD, pediatric hematologist, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, discusses: tips for evaluating a CBC with differential; absolute neutrophil count (ANC) parameters for mild/moderate/severe neutropenia; when to worry about increased risk of infection, both in previously well children and in those with risk factors; a review of risk factors; lymphopenia, granulocytopenia and agranulocytosis and how they are different; benign ethnic neutropenia; post-infectious neutropenia and when you should re-check the CBC; when an infectious history should raise a red flag; when to order a peripheral smear or refer a patient to hematology for bone marrow biopsy or other evaluation; and more.