CASTA-YAYS // King Khanh has left the building...

Seize the Yay show

Summary: Lovely yayborhood, you might have seen that we have quite a few friends on the latest season of Survivor (a few of whom you've already heard from on the show) and we thought for those of you who find some yay in watching the show it'd be the perfect opportunity to dish up some behind the scenes dirt for you. So, quick heads up for anyone who isn't a big fan, there'll be a few bonus episodes during this Blood vs Water season that assume you know the show and rule of the game well (but we'll still be recording our regular content so no worries if you want to skip past). For those who do listen, the episodes are right up to date so spoiler alert if you haven't watched right up until Sunday 27th Feb when the two tribes finally merged. SO thrilled to have my love Khanh Ong join us for this episode, but also SO bummed that it's because his Blood vs Water journey has come to a blindsided end... DONATE TO KHANH'S RICE AND BEANS CHALLENGE FOR MINUS18YOUTH