Turned Around for Good – EP94 (Genesis 50:20)

The One Thing - United Faith Church Podcast show

Summary: Genesis 50:20<br>  You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many livesHello and welcome back to the One Thing podcast. Genesis chapter 50 verse 20: “‘You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.’”<br> "Regardless of what was happening in Joseph's life, God had found him to be faithful." These are the words of Joseph who is now speaking to his brothers the very same brothers, who years prior, had attempted to take his life. And in the process, his life was spared yet he was sold into slavery being taken far from his home from everything that he was familiar with, into the land of Egypt. Now if you thought that that was bad, there was a moment where Joseph was even accused and convicted of something that he didn't even do, and he found himself in prison. We now see him in a time of victory. Regardless of what was happening in Joseph's life, God had found him to be faithful. Joseph continued to worship God and hold to Him all throughout the years - even in times of affliction.<br> Today can we stop for a moment to think about times of affliction in our lives? Maybe those moments where we didn't think we were gonna make it. Those moments where we were just thinking, ‘God my hands are up, I don't know what to do,’ but yet God has come through. Maybe that circumstance never changed, yet in it, God has allowed you to have a strength that you can never have without Him.<br> "I pray today that God would give you strength and encourage you to hold…" Could we stop today and think about those moments in our life - and like Joseph, reflect on how what the enemy meant to take us out to destroy us God has turned for good - or maybe even others in our lives are blessed through it. I pray today that we would examine these times in our lives and begin to thank the Lord and remember His faithfulness.<br> And for those of us who maybe we are in a circumstance or a situation today - maybe we have been afflicted maybe there's some stronghold of the enemy in our lives that we have not found deliverance from - I pray today that we would also be reminded of God's faithfulness in these words. That if we just hold on, if we worship the Lord if we continue to just bless Him, continue to cry out saying, ‘Father, I don't know what tomorrow may even bring, but Father I know that You are God.’ I pray today that God would give you strength and encourage you to hold - just like Joseph.<br> "...may we be just like Joseph…knowing that He alone is God - and He alone can deliver." And as we call, and as we hold to the power of the Lord Jesus Christ that He alone would be our deliverer and that this day, many of us would reflect and be thankful that what the enemy meant for evil in our lives, God has turned around for His good, that we would also be saying, ‘Father, though there be a mountain before me, though there be a Red Sea that I need to get over somehow, Father I'm holding to You for You are faithful and You are strong. And Lord Jesus You are able to complete that good work that You had begun.’<br> May we be encouraged this day from the Word of the Lord and may we be just like Joseph found faithful, holding to the Lord all the days of our life, knowing that He alone is God - and He alone can deliver. Amen, amen.