Fueled by His Presence – EP93 (Mark 1:35)

The One Thing - United Faith Church Podcast show

Summary: Mark 1:35<br> Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed "...what did He fuel Himself most on?...He was being fueled by the power and the presence of His Father." Hello and welcome back to the One Thing podcast. The question of the day today is: What are you fueled by? Now we know we can easily look around and I see all sorts of energy drinks. There is all sorts of special foods that claim to give you the energy that you need for the day to fuel you in order to do the work you need to do - the schooling whatever it may be, the sport. There's all sorts of fuel, right that we take in physically. But what I find to be so much more important is what are we fueling our spiritual life with?<br> <br> Mark chapter one verse 35 says this about Jesus: “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where He prayed.” Now I love this. This verse speaks volumes to me. It speaks to me and shows that Jesus, who was probably the busiest He was not only ministering to people, not only spending hours in teaching others and in prayer, but we know that He was even a carpenter so there was a physical aspect and a spiritual aspect to the things that were included in His day. But what did He fuel Himself most on? Of course He ate food. Of course He drank water and probably made sure He was fed in times of need but, greater than all of it, in that solitary place - in those moments in the wee hours of the morning - He was being fueled by the power and the presence of His Father.<br> <br> "...do we stop to truly fuel ourselves as the Lord Jesus did?" I ask today: Do we do the same? As we pay attention to fueling ourselves and our bodies for the sport for the job to get done, do we also pay attention to our spiritual life? You see without God's presence without intimate moments of hearing Him speak - those intimate moments of taking time not to just read the Word and go about but to meditate on the Word of the Lord, to meditate in prayer. To think about maybe places of repentance in our lives to think upon the things that God is speaking and calling us to do in obedience - these are all part of the way that God fuels us. He speaks to us, He leads us, and He also empowers us to live for Him.<br> <br> But do we stop to truly fuel ourselves as the Lord Jesus did? He was the holiest man that ever lived, He was literally the Son of God, and He needed these moments to be refreshed with God He needed these moments to just stop and to be with the Father.<br> <br> "Praying that you will be fueled this day, and that you would seek Him like never before." Now listen I'm not saying it has to be in your prayer closet at home. It could be in your car drive. It could be in the walk that you take at the end of the day. It could be early in the morning as you wake up and find a solitary place as Jesus did whatever it may be, it's important that in this time and season, we are those fueled by the power and the presence of God. But it takes an effort. It costs us some time it will cost us some changing direction of the plans of our days - doing whatever we can to be in a place with God, to hear from Him to speak with Him, and to literally be fueled.<br> <br> What are you being fueled on today? I pray that if it hasn't been God, if you seem to have that take that's not filled with His presence, that in this due time and season you will begin to seek Him, and begin to go after Him like never before - to be fueled with His power, His glory and His presence. Praying that you will be fueled this day, and that you would seek Him like never before. Amen.<br> <br>