The Answer Is NO!

The Dental Practice Fixers Podcast Featuring Secret Shopper Calls to Dental Offices show

Summary: [heading]<br> The Answer is NO!<br> [/heading][divider line_type="Full Width Line" line_thickness="3" divider_color="accent-color" custom_height="50"]<br> <br> <br> In this episode, Dr. Rich talks about a phenomenon he observes at way too many dental practices: “The answer is NO - now what’s the question?” Positive ways to frame potentially negative patient situations are discussed with solutions given.<br> Then the theme continues on the secret shopper calls. A patient needs four crowns and is trying to find an office that will give a senior citizen discount. The results? You gotta listen to find out what happened, but let’s just say they were pretty dismal. If you have a question for “The Fixers,” please email us at <a href=""></a>. We’d love to hear from you!<br> <br> <br> <br> [nectar_btn size="large" button_style="regular" button_color_2="Accent-Color" icon_family="none" text="GET A FREE DENTAL PRACTICE SNAPSHOT" url=""]<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> [divider line_type="Full Width Line" line_thickness="3" divider_color="default" custom_height="50"][nectar_icon icon_family="fontawesome" icon_style="default" icon_color_type="color_scheme" icon_color="Accent-Color" icon_padding="20px" icon_fontawesome="fa fa-podcast" icon_size="30"]<br> <br> <br> Highlights from "The Answer is NO!"<br> 0:10 - Dr. Richard Madow starts The Dental Practice Fixers Podcast with episode 93.  Today's episode is all about "The Answer is NO but what is the question?<br> 0:51 - If you switch to STAX you will save money every single month on your credit card processing fees.  Every dentist that has switched has loved how easy it is.  Check out <a href=""></a> to learn more about how easy it can be for your dental practice.<br> 1:42 - Have you ever seen a button that staff may wear at a hotel that says "The answer is YES"  Here are some suggestions to frame your answer to be positive.  How about someone asks you about Saturday hours?  How do you answer?  Find out these great suggestions to turn them positive. How about a question when it comes to insurance?  Try out these suggestions.<br> 6:00 - Dr. Rich will be doing secret shopper calls asking if they offer a senior citizen discount.  Find out what these dental offices say.<br> 7:08 - Rich tells a story about a dentist that was using The Madow Center for dental coaching.  Rich shares this story about an offer to this dentist.  Great story.  Enjoy your practice more and earn more.  What could be better?  The Madow Center offers a data drive into your dental practice for free!  Check it out here &gt;&gt;&gt; <a href=""></a><br> 10:30 - Rich makes the secret <a href="">shopper calls</a>. Rich gives some tips on ways these calls could have gone very differently to get this call in for a scheduled appointment.<br> 17:29 - If you would like to know what it is like working with The Madow Center contact us at <a href=""></a>.  We would love to see you there.<br> <br> <br> <br>