What would it take to bring Peace! #448c

Thriving at sixty show

Summary: <br> The Christmas Holidays are over now. It would have been great if I could have downloaded the next 2 podcasts before Christmas. Some Circumstances arose and that did not happen. I believe the next two podcasts are well worthwhile to listen to for any holiday or any time of year, so I will be downloading them for your benefit this week. Better late than never. Valentines is the next big one maybe listen to the words of wisdom from this podcast Apply them to any holiday or an area of life that could make a difference to you and or others.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> I’m inviting you to look at your relationships all of them. I’ll say a little bit more about that a few paragraphs from now. When I originally did this podcast it was a few weeks before Christmas. I try to keep things simple and affordable. 10 years ago my husband and I parted and I lost my home and had to start over again I just kept things simple. I didn’t have a lot of monies to play with. I started going to second-hand stores and buying all different size Christmas Stockings. I kept only a few ornaments that meant a lot to me. Now I have about 25 to 30 Christmas Stockings. I get my young granddaughter to help me tack them on the walls in the kitchen, dining room, and living room. It looks very festive. A few years ago I picked up two dancing singing Christmas trees for 18.00. They are about 12 inches high. My granddaughter loved them at 1 year of age and still, years later enjoys them. I have a few more neat ornaments I picked up at the different second-hand stores. Every year my young Granddaughter and I decorate the house in less than an hr. She loves it.<br> <br> <br> <br> I keep costs down by staying on a budget and buying things on sale from July on. The thing is on most special occasions it’s nice to get things but the biggest gift is giving of your love and time. <br> <br> <br> <br> So I started an Inquiry of what would bring peace. As I drove through traffic. I would notice people being aggressive, darting back and forth in and out of lanes. I’ve been there, done that. What I noticed is when I slowed down and let people get into my lane I felt more peaceful. I started noticing one way to bring peace to myself and others is by contributing to others. Small contributions can make a big difference to others. We have no idea what people are dealing with. Contribution can be smiling at someone, letting someone know you appreciate what they did. Saying thank you. Being courteous, opening a door, helping someone carry something to their car. Giving someone a cup of tea or coffee when they weren’t expecting it. <br> <br> <br> <br> I have two daughters that have been at loggerheads with each other for six months. One blocking the other. They were both hurt and would complain to me. I wouldn’t take sides. I just invited each one to get into the others world and try to understand where the other one was coming from. I reminded them that the only one that really gets hurt in all this is my granddaughter who loves both of them dearly. I also reminded them of one of their aunts who cut me out of her life for 27 years. Who really suffered? My Children and my nephew and niece because the cousins never got to grow up with their cousins or their auntie. Their Aunt came back into min and their lives four years ago and it’s great but look at what we all missed out on. My nephew and niece are in their 40’s now. A bit late for us. I told them other than murdering someone or physically abusing someone I can’t see how people can justify cutting people out of their lives.<br> <br> <br> <br> I also told them that when there is war and people are shooting one another they create a 24 hr agreement to put down their arms and bring peace to one another during that time. I said I wasn’t asking them to even do i...