The Witch Cloud with Tim Renner and Chad Redding - Dec 4, 2021

Where Did the Road Go? show

Summary: Seriah hosts Tim Renner and Chad Redding after the release of Tim's latest book (and multi-media experience) "The Witch Cloud". Riveting conversation ensues. Topics include Gettysburg, witch cloud phenomena, Pennsylvania Dutch vampire lore, haunted bridges, ghost hunting, York County PA, a strange experience on a hike, the difficulties of recording or photographing paranormal phenomena, digging into local history, apparitions of non-existent people, use of the ghost box, encounters with owls, the "web" of the "other", anomalous sounds, Site 7 experiences, the dampening effect of crowds on paranormal phenomenon, the ghost hunting subculture, the Battle of the Crows, a paranormal "suggestion" to do a ritual, contagious emotions, light phenomenon, the mystical power of blood, and much more! This is a discussion not be missed! - Recap by Vincent Treewell Outro Music is The Witch Cloud by Black Happy Day Download