Podcast 39: Just the Dialogues

Learn Japanese Pod show

Summary: <br> <br> <br> <br> In this lesson you will learn how to call for an ambulance during a medical emergency. You’ll also learn related phrases for describing people’s physical condition including injuries and illness.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Main Dialog 1 – Calling an ambulance (Japanese)<br> A: 119番の消防ですが 火事ですか、救急ですか?<br> B: 救急です。<br> A: 救急ですね。住所を教えてください。<br> B: 東京都渋谷区渋谷1丁目12-13。郵便局の前です。 A: 怪我ですか病気ですか<br> B: 病気です。人が倒れています。<br> A: わかりました。あと5分ほどで救急車が到着します。<br> Main Dialog 1 – Calling an ambulance (Pronunciation)<br> A: Hyaku juu kyuu ban no shōbō desu ga, kaji desu ka, kyuukyuu desu ka?<br> B: Kyuukyuu desu.<br> A: Kyuukyuu desu ne. Juusho o oshiete kudasai.<br> B: Tōkyō to, Shibuya Ku, icchōme no juuni no juusan. Yuubinkyoku no mae desu. A: Kega desu ka, byōki desu ka.<br> B: Byōki desu. Hito ga taorete imasu.<br> A: Wakarimashita. Ato gofun hodo de kyuukyuusha ga tōchaku shimasu.<br> Main Dialog 1 – Calling an ambulance (English)<br> A: This is 119, Fire Department. Is it fire or a medical emergency? B: Medical emergency.<br> A: Medical emergency. Please tell me your address.<br> B: Tokyo city, Shibuya ward, district 1-12-13<br> A: Is this an injury or illness?<br> B: Illness. The person has collapsed.<br> A: Understood. The ambulance should arrive in about 5 minutes.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Extra phrases for medical emergencies<br> Here are some extra phrases you might find useful during a medical emergency.<br> If you want to ask someone to call an ambulance for you, you can use the following phrase:<br> すみません、救急車を呼んでください<br> Sumimasen, Kyuukyuusha o yonde kudasai.<br> Excuse me, please call an ambulance.<br> It’s common for the emergency services to ask you for your details including your name. For example:<br> お名前を教えてください<br> Onamae o oshiete kudasai<br> What’s your name?<br> And you can reply with your name followed by “…desu” like this:<br> ジョン・スミスです<br> Jon sumisu desu<br> I’m Jon Smith<br> You might then want to explain what’s happened by using the following phrases:<br> 病人がいます<br> Byōnin ga imasu<br> There’s a sick person<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> 怪我をした人がいます<br> Kega o shita hito ga imasu<br> There’s an injured person.<br> If there’s been a traffic accident you can say:<br> 交通事故です<br> Kōtsuu jiko desu<br> There’s been a traffic accident<br> Here are some other phrases that describe someone’s medical condition. You can use these to talk about yourself or someone else:<br> 呼吸が苦しいです<br> Kokyuu ga kurushii desu<br> (Someone is having) difficulty breathing<br> 胸が苦しいです<br> Mune ga kurushii<br> (Someone has) a tight or painful chest<br> 意識不明です<br> Ishiki fumei desu<br> (Someone is) unconscious<br> 出血です<br> Shukketsu desu<br> (Someone is) bleeding.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>