Kiss Your Past Goodbye ~ Dr Lisa Cooney

Raw & Real with Dr Lisa show

Summary: Raw & Real with Dr Lisa  Is your past haunting you and taking a toll on your energy, health relationships and money? What if you could simply kiss it goodbye? I’ve been working with people as a psychologist and facilitator of change for over 26 years and I’ve seen them struggle with their past until they kissed it goodbye and were able to start building the life of their desires. The ROAR Technique® I created has the ability to go deep and transform what was a dark chapter of your life into a beautiful scene bathed in sunlight. Did you know you can learn this Technique for your own wellbeing or choose to become a practitioner and add this to your business? The first step is a 4-Days class called Living Your ROAR®! Living Your ROAR® – Online! May 20-23 Learn more here:     Dr. Lisa’s Book: Lies Of Money Purchase here   *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! ~ More About Raw & Real with Dr Lisa ~  Dr Lisa Cooney is a Doctor of Psychology and Licensed Therapist with 25 years’ experience.  She is a bestselling Author and the creator of the ROAR™ (Radically Orgasmic Alive Reality) methodology to move beyond abuse & trauma. Dr Lisa travels the world facilitating dynamic, fun, life changing classes that share practical tools and accompany people to actualize the lives they have always dreamed of and didn’t dare to hope to have.  And she always encourages others to choose different! “Be You!  Beyond Anything! Create Magic!  Live your ROAR™!” Dr. Lisa has empowered thousands of people in breaking free from all forms of abuse to create infinite possibilities for themselves and live a life they truly enjoy. In her work, Dr. Lisa weaves an eclectic collage of cross cultural, multi-faith, collaborative and participatory spiritual approaches leading individuals towards tangible and practical results that change and transform their world.  She is strongly moved to bridging global discrepancies of conflict and violence through tangible forms of conscious, mindful communication and discourse. She looks forward to guiding individuals to become their most authentic self, their highest light self.  Dr. Lisa invites people to remember who they really are and create their life according to that intrinsic knowing in loving and compassionate communion. The author of three books:  Radically Alive Beyond Abuse, Lies of Money, and Creating After Abuse (coming Spring 2021!), Dr. Lisa is an internationally acclaimed facilitator, speaker, and group leader. Come get Raw and Real with Maverick of Consciousness Dr Lisa! To get more of Raw & Real with Dr Lisa, be sure to visit her podcast page :