255 – Table Top Crowd – The Means of Magick

Geekspective show

Summary: In this episode, Kristin sits down with game designer and co-founder of Wannabe Games Jess Greyer to discuss their new game The Means of Magick. <br> <br> Jess tells Kristin about designing games with your partner, the lore (including Fae robots!), and the custom system Wannabe Games created for the game.<br> <br> They also discuss the Kickstarter which will be live on 11/16/21! <br> <br> Support the Kickstarter here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/moonpunk/the-means-of-magick<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Follow Jess and Alex of Wannabe Games here:<br> <br> https://twitter.com/jawska<br> <br> https://twitter.com/KittyCrusade<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> You can find other games by Jess and Alex on their website:<br> <br> https://www.wannabegames.com/