Teaching Kids Time Management | Part 2

Parenting On Purpose show

Summary: Training Starts with Your Example We have said many times that one of the ways our children learn best is observing our example; the area of time management is no different.  Is our home one of calm organization or of consistent stressful chaos?  If we are managing our time and our family’s time the overall timbre of the home should be that of a well oiled machine.  If we are not managing our time and our time is managing us then we will live in chaos darting from one thing to the next with the overwhelmed feeling of never getting ahead. As parents we need to first look at our time and family time with realistic expectations.  Like we stated yesterday, there are only so many hours in the day so we need to make the most of them but we cannot be unrealistic at how much we can squeeze into those hours.  We must sit down and organize our schedule so that we will not be consistently responding to the “tyranny of the urgent,” but we will be in charge of our time.  This is where a weekly parent staff meeting can be effective. Remember it is ok to say no to things so that you can have those quiet times as a family!   Listen to today’s podcast for more insight on training your children in time management.