Chillin Down the Block w/Alec Walt | ep: 126

3 Man Weave show

Summary: <p>We had the pleasure of being joined by Alec Walt from Down the Block sports. He’s  a fan of all the Boston teams. Shout out to the Chicago Sky &amp; Candace Parker winning the WNBA championship. We also did a week 6 NFL recap. Quick MLB discussion that lead into a NBA season preview.  </p> <p>Please tell a friend to tell a friend about the 3 Man Weave Pod! </p> <p>We are a pod of the people and we would not be anything without you so lets grow this community and continue to have fun.  </p> <p>Follow us on Instagram:  @3manweave_ @officialbcannon @d.hill_3 @mr_williams21  </p> <p>We can be contacted by email at  </p> <p>Check out   </p> <p>Mixologist: @Dymondstuddedevents  </p> <p>All video inquiries check out <a href=";redir_token=QUFFLUhqbW43SklSSFhFV2ZWRThBY0c0Y3JiVGs3SjBQQXxBQ3Jtc0trcnpHdjlpSmotVlh5aThOOXZFdUxTVVpRY3pUd1Z6aXlsb1hud19OdWR1V2NkSUFZR0dZQjJHOTgxTEltclZpejE0ajgxWFhCUzA4UXpkUkhwZ0sxcTl4ZFh6bmhpdkY1d2dDTmVfZTFIc1Z5YU5GVQ&amp;" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a> </p> <p>Check out Au Wood’s apparel <a href=";redir_token=QUFFLUhqbXdnVzNSbF9EVlE3cHM5YTdyTkJvbDFkQnFDZ3xBQ3Jtc0trQUJfWEtxUVh6RjI1ZDdlOHNDM3hSTjVJWmUtOERHV0R1RkFyVVBRQUtKdGFabE9kS09CSlV5V3hWYm9ZczNCSndLOTNzbkFLZmNkLXJnd204cXQ4ZUFxaDZqZDNWNjFfSDZJNEFBLWpJdXJnMjUzYw&amp;" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a> </p> <p>You can also subscribe to the 3 Man Weave Podcast on all platforms</p>