ACTS // Story 5 (Shaken But Not Forsaken)

Grace Chapel Church Podcast | Franklin, TN show

Summary: Story five in the book of Acts has us in Acts 4:23-31 and Pastor Rob speaks on the prayer Peter, John, and others offer up to God amidst incredible threats made to them by the Sanhedrin. What's interesting is that in light of these threats, the early church doesn't pray for anything except boldness! They didn’t ask God to stop the threats, to stop the shaking, or to solve the problems. The lesson for us is to not get caught up in all the cares, fears, worries, and concerns in our circumstances and only ever pray for our bad circumstances to go away (not that this is wrong to ask for). But in our praying for better circumstances, we need to remember that the circumstances we face are not the main problem. The problem is actually how shaken we are by our circumstances. Jesus Christ was shaken so that you could be made unshakable. And because of what Jesus has done, the circumstances that used to shake you don't have to take you into utter despair, but instead, can bring you closer to the ruler of the eternal unshakeable kingdom that is from everlasting to everlasting.