He says to “Be Still” – EP87 (Psalm 46:10)

The One Thing - United Faith Church Podcast show

Summary: Psalm 46:10<br> He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”Hello and welcome back to the One Thing podcast. The Word of the Lord for today is Psalm 46:10 that says, “... ‘Be still and know that I am God…’”<br> <br> "God is saying, ‘Be still.’" These are such crucial words for the Christian - such crucial words for each one of us in this day and age. When we think about it, how hard is it to actually be still? Even when we’re physically sitting down what begins to happen many times? We pick up our phone, we can check our emails we can go on all sorts of apps - and it's almost like we're running in our minds even though we’re sitting still in our bodies.<br> <br> Now, it's not that there's anything wrong with our phones or apps or all those different things, but it's when it becomes so excessive - it becomes such a habit - that we never really stop to consider the voice of the Lord. We never really stop to just be still and know that God is God.<br> <br> "Will you be still and know that He is God?" Today, will we take the time? This week will we begin to stop and maybe not just alone but with our children with our family, take the time to practice being still and acknowledging God? Take the time to maybe put the television aside maybe take the time to put that thing that we're so concerned with - that bill, that app - whatever it may be, God is saying, ‘Be still.’<br> <br> And as you are still, it brings us back into the focus of the Kingdom. It allows us to simply rest for a moment to simply rest from the things of the world - to rest from all the going and the going in our minds and in our hearts and allow ourselves to receive the Word of the Lord to get refocused. To remember that God is calling us to be still. And it's not that we're never gonna move we're never gonna physically be active but all the things that we do are to come from that intimacy that connection with God that comes as we still our minds still our hearts, to simply come into His presence. To hear from His Words to hear His voice and to be able to walk in the commands and the things that He's giving us for this day for this week - for our lives. Will you be still and know that He is God?<br>