Back To Our Roots – EP89 (Prov. 12:3)

The One Thing - United Faith Church Podcast show

Summary: Proverbs 12:3<br> Wickedness never brings stability,<br>     but the godly have deep roots.Hello, and welcome back to the One Thing Podcast. The Word of the Lord I would like to share today is Proverbs 12:3. It says “Wickedness never brings stability, but the Godly have deep roots”. If you think with me for a moment you might have heard somebody at some point in your life say “Sometimes you just have to come back to your roots.”<br> <br> "We are not to be swayed because our roots are not in this life, they are not in this world, but they are in His truth. They are in the Lord." When there is a time in life where you seem to have lost your way, or maybe you feel distant from God-maybe you feel as though there's more to life and living in the Kingdom of God and doing His work, but there just seems to be things that are in the way. Maybe you've lost focus. Maybe the world has just rampaged our spiritual life. We've allowed our spiritual life, our walk with God to dissipate. Sometimes in these moments we need to come back to our roots. <br> <br> See, the Godly have deep roots. Wickedness never brings stability. When we walk in our own way, when we walk and we root ourselves we find ourselves looking for stability and money in this world and things. It doesn't bring stability. We don't know what the American dollar will even mean tomorrow. We don't know if our homes that make us feel stable at times will even be here tomorrow, but there's one thing that we can know. That the Godly have deep roots.<br> <br> See, we are not rooted in the world, we are not rooted in the things of this life, but we are rooted in the Lord Jesus Christ. The Gospel is this; that man is unstable, lost in wickedness and in sin without Him. But in Christ those who trust in Him, when we put our faith in Him, we develop deep roots where although things may happen, although circumstances may come across our lives it doesn't matter. We are not to be swayed because our roots are not in this life, they are not in this world, but they are in His truth. They are in the Lord.<br> <br> "I pray today that we would all uproot all those things that are not of God." What are you rooted in today? The Godly have deep roots. We've got to come back to our roots. We've got to come back to the roots of the Gospel where we are walking according to the power of the Holy Spirit, where we choose not every day to go without His touch and His presence. We've got to come back to the roots of the Word of the Lord, where we make every decision according to the Word, where we walk and we think according to how the word says to think and to walk. Is there anybody listening right now looking to come back to your roots-- to be rooted in God?<br> <br> I pray today that we would all uproot all those things that are not of God. That we would uproot all the old mindsets, all the fleshy ways, all the things that really pull us away from the Lord, and that we would become rooted--coming back into the Lord, going deeper with Him today. Some of us may have already been rooted in the Lord and we know that it's kept us and has given us strength. I also pray today that you would be nourished. That the rain and the waters of God would just really touch those roots, allowed them to become even stronger, even bolder, and even more stable in the power of God. Praise God that we can be rooted in His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ today. Amen.<br>