Who Is Your King? – EP90 (Judges 17:6)

The One Thing - United Faith Church Podcast show

Summary: Judges 17:6<br> In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as they saw fitHello and welcome back to the One Thing podcast. Today we are reading from Judges chapter 17, verse 6 and it says, “In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as they saw fit.”<br> <br> "...we today as Christians are called to serve the King." This Scripture in the book of Judges was written around one of the most terrible times for Israel. There was no king to guide them and to help ‘em and to lead ‘em into righteousness - and it says that everyone did as they saw fit. Can you imagine everybody at that time doing whatever they imagined to be right? Having no idea of what the law was having no idea of what is right and what is wrong - no king to guard and to watch over the people? Can you imagine what society would be like? Can you imagine everybody just doing their own thing - not caring for one another not caring about the Lord not caring about our society not caring about our children.<br> <br> "‘Are we living like Israel in that time?’ - as though there was no king?" We may think about this and go, ‘Wow that is terrible.’ But, we today as Christians are called to serve the King. Revelation chapter 19:16 speaks about Jesus and it says, “On His robe and on His thigh He has [this] name written: King of Kings and Lord of Lords.” Therefore He is King above all kings - He is the King.<br> <br> Now for us that proclaim to follow Him, for us who proclaim to be Christians, we are called to serve the King - but do we serve Him? As we read this Scripture does it hit our hearts to say, ‘Are we living like Israel in that time?’ - as though there was no king? As though we can do what we feel is fit rather than regarding the Word of the Lord and His guidance in our life?<br> <br> "God has made a way today to come into His Kingship to serve the good King the great King the Lord Jesus and to find life." God is calling us to come back to the Kingship of God. Do we live with God as King over our house? Where in our households we're making sure that we're serving Him we're making sure that in all that we do our children are growing close to Him as King over our lives? Is He King over our decisions? Are we thinking about the decisions that we make in our jobs, in our homes and in everything that we do from our schooling to our daily life - is it governed by the will and the sovereignty of the King of all of heaven, the Lord Jesus Christ? Is He King of our hearts? Are we willing to guard our hearts - reserve our hearts for the King and for the King alone? Or, have we chosen to share our hearts with pride to share our hearts with darkness or wickedness or whatever it may be that pulls against the things of God in our lives?<br> <br> Today, God is calling us to stop and to recognize that He is the King above all kings, that He is Lord of all, and to ask ourselves: Do we serve the King? I don't wanna be like Israel, who lived at a time there with no king - and everyone did as they saw fit. See the ways of man naturally are ways of wickedness. God has made a way today to come into His Kingship to serve the good King the great King the Lord Jesus and to find life. Not to do as we feel fit. Not to go about as though He doesn't rule and reign, but to submit - to seek His face and to follow the Lord of all.<br> <br> Who is your King today? How have you lived before Him? What will you do? What will I do to be sure that we are under His governing, and be sure that we are walking in His light and in His truth?<br> <br> Praying that each one of us would recognize this great King - the Lord Jesus - in our lives and come closer to Him than ever before, walking and following His leading. Amen.<br>