Suspense – The Night Reveals. ep69, 431209

Suspense and Horror – Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: The story begins two weeks ago. Robert Young is an investigater for an insurance company. His wife had stepped out to an all night drugstore, but she’s missing. When she turns up, her story has plenty of holes in it. He doesn’t have much time to dwell on the matter when he is called out on an investigation. Inspecting the burned remains of the building, he finds a clue. <br> At home, his wife feeds him more lies, this time about a missing locket. The wife keeps showing strange behavior, but what is going on? What’s the deal with the hidden matches? <br> Robert Young finally manages to gets suspicious enough to put his detective skills to work, and follow his wife. What kind of dark secrets might he discover in the cover of night? <br> Have you guessed yet? She’s a firebug, and in a moment of poetic justice, her own house catches on fire. Even more Suspenseful moments folow as the escape from the fire is dramatized. In the end she takes a stand and blames her husband. Who is the real firebug? Definitley an ironic situation for the twist ending. <br> <br>