Program 3694 Jordan Northrup Part 2


Summary: 3694 Jordan Northrup Pt 2 (Alcoholism, Military, Divorce) When Jordan joined the military, he hoped it would keep him in line. But in his downtime, he was able to continue his partying and drinking with great negative consequences. He struggled to maintain relationships, his health deteriorated, and he grew to have very low self-esteem and self-worth. Jordan was a Christian and wondered why God hadn’t rescued him from this destructive path. Several times when he thought he had transformational moments turned out not to last, and he fell back into his old habits. It wasn’t until his career and marriage fell apart and he turned to a Christian counselor that he began to discover the part that he had to play in his own healing. With God’s help, he began the journey towards sobriety, one day at a time. To support this ministry financially, visit: